A Tutorial on Variational Autoencoders with a Concise Keras Implementation

Keras is awesome. It is a very well-designed library that clearly abides by its guiding principles of modularity and extensibility, enabling us to easily assemble powerful, complex models from primitive building blocks. This has been demonstrated in numerous blog posts and tutorials, in particular, the excellent tutorial on Building Autoencoders in Keras. As the name suggests, that tutorial provides examples of how to implement various kinds of autoencoders in Keras, including the variational autoencoder (VAE)1.
Like all autoencoders, the variational autoencoder is primarily used for unsupervised learning of hidden representations. However, they are fundamentally different to your usual neural network-based autoencoder in that they approach the problem from a probabilistic perspective. They specify a joint distribution over the observed and latent variables, and approximate the intractable posterior conditional density over latent variables with variational inference, using an inference network 2 3 (or more classically, a recognition model 4) to amortize the cost of inference.
While the examples in the aforementioned tutorial do well to showcase the versatility of Keras on a wide range of autoencoder model architectures, its implementation of the variational autoencoder doesn’t properly take advantage of Keras’ modular design, making it difficult to generalize and extend in important ways. As we will see, it relies on implementing custom layers and constructs that are restricted to a specific instance of variational autoencoders. This is a shame because when combined, Keras’ building blocks are powerful enough to encapsulate most variants of the variational autoencoder and more generally, recognition-generative model combinations for which the generative model belongs to a large family of deep latent Gaussian models (DLGMs)5.
The goal of this post is to propose a clean and elegant alternative implementation that takes better advantage of Keras’ modular design. It is not intended as tutorial on variational autoencoders 6. Rather, we study variational autoencoders as a special case of variational inference in deep latent Gaussian models using inference networks, and demonstrate how we can use Keras to implement them in a modular fashion such that they can be easily adapted to approximate inference in tasks beyond unsupervised learning, and with complicated (non-Gaussian) likelihoods.
This first post will lay the groundwork for a series of future posts that explore ways to extend this basic modular framework to implement the cutting-edge methods proposed in the latest research, such as the normalizing flows for building richer posterior approximations 7, importance weighted autoencoders 8, the Gumbel-softmax trick for inference in discrete latent variables 9, and even the most recent GAN-based density-ratio estimation techniques for likelihood-free inference 10 11.
Model specification
First, it is important to understand that the variational autoencoder
is not a way to train generative models.
Rather, the generative model is a component of the variational autoencoder and
is, in general, a deep latent Gaussian model.
In particular, let
In Bayesian modelling, we assume the distribution of observed variables to be
governed by the latent variables. Latent variables are drawn from a prior
In a typical instance of the variational autoencoder, we have only a single layer of latent variables with a Normal prior distribution,
Now, each local latent variable is related to its corresponding observation
through the likelihood
In this example, we define
It is straightforward to implement this in Keras with the Sequential model API:
decoder = Sequential([
Dense(intermediate_dim, input_dim=latent_dim, activation='relu'),
Dense(original_dim, activation='sigmoid')
You can view a summary of the model parameters decoder.summary()
. Additionally, you can produce a high-level diagram of
the network architecture, and optionally the input and output shapes of each
layer using plot_model
from the
module. Although our architecture is about as
simple as it gets, it is included in the figure below as an example of what
the diagrams look like.
Note that by fixing Dense
layer in the snippet above
altogether), we recover logistic factor analysis.
With similarly minor modifications, we can recover other members from the
family of DLGMs, which include non-linear factor analysis,
non-linear Gaussian belief networks, sigmoid belief networks, and many
others 5.
Having specified how the probabilities are computed, we can now define the
negative log likelihood of a Bernoulli
def nll(y_true, y_pred):
""" Negative log likelihood (Bernoulli). """
# keras.losses.binary_crossentropy gives the mean
# over the last axis. we require the sum
return K.sum(K.binary_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred), axis=-1)
As we discuss later, this will not be the loss we ultimately minimize, but will constitute the data-fitting term of our final loss.
Note this is a valid definition of a Keras loss,
which is required to compile and optimize a model. It is a symbolic function
that returns a scalar for each data-point in y_true
and y_pred
In our example, y_pred
will be the output of our decoder
network, which
are the predicted probabilities, and y_true
will be the true probabilities.
Side note: Using TensorFlow Distributions in loss
If you are using the TensorFlow backend, you can directly use the (negative)
log probability of Bernoulli
from TensorFlow Distributions as a Keras
loss, as I demonstrate in my post on
Using negative log-likelihoods of TensorFlow Distributions as Keras losses.
Specifically we can define the loss as,
def nll(y_true, y_pred):
""" Negative log likelihood (Bernoulli). """
lh = K.tf.distributions.Bernoulli(probs=y_pred)
return - K.sum(lh.log_prob(y_true), axis=-1)
This is exactly equivalent to the previous definition, but does not call
Having specified the generative process, we would now like to perform inference
on the latent variables and model parameters
To circumvent this intractability we turn to variational inference, which
formulates inference as an optimization problem. It seeks an approximate
With the luck we’ve had so far, it shouldn’t come as a surprise anymore that this too is intractable. It also depends on the log marginal likelihood, whose intractability is the reason we appealed to approximate inference in the first place. Instead, we maximize an alternative objective function, the evidence lower bound (ELBO), which is expressed as
Importantly, the ELBO is a lower bound to the log marginal likelihood.
Therefore, maximizing it with respect to the model parameters
Next we discuss the form of the approximate posterior
For each local observed variable
Inference network
We amortize the cost of inference by introducing an inference network which
approximates the local variational parameters
We specify the mean
# input layer
x = Input(shape=(original_dim,))
# hidden layer
h = Dense(intermediate_dim, activation='relu')(x)
# output layer for mean and log variance
z_mu = Dense(latent_dim)(h)
z_log_var = Dense(latent_dim)(h)
Since this network has multiple outputs, we couldn’t use the Sequential model API as we did for the decoder. Instead, we will resort to the more powerful Functional API, which allows us to implement complex models with shared layers, multiple inputs, multiple outputs, and so on.
Note that we output the log variance instead of the standard deviation because this is not only more convenient to work with, but also helps with numerical stability. However, we still require the standard deviation later. To recover it, we simply implement the appropriate transformation and encapsulate it in a Lambda layer.
# normalize log variance to std dev
z_sigma = Lambda(lambda t: K.exp(.5*t))(z_log_var)
Before moving on, we give a few words on nomenclature and context. In the prelude and title of this section, we characterized the approximate posterior distribution with an inference network as a probabilistic encoder (analogously to its counterpart, the probabilistic decoder). Although this is an accurate interpretation, it is a limited one. Classically, inference networks are known as recognition models, and have now been used for decades in a wide variety of probabilistic methods. When composed end-to-end, the recognition-generative model combination can be seen as having an autoencoder structure. Indeed, this structure contains the variational autoencoder as a special case, and also the now less fashionable Helmholtz machine 4. Even more generally, this recognition-generative model combination constitutes a widely-applicable approach currently known as amortized variational inference, which can be used to perform approximate inference in models that lie beyond even the large class of deep latent Gaussian models.
Having specified all the ingredients necessary to carry out variational
inference (namely, the prior, likelihood and approximate posterior), we next
focus on finalizing the definition of the (negative) ELBO as our loss function
in Keras. As written earlier, the ELBO can be decomposed into two terms,
KL Divergence
Intuitively, maximizing the negative KL divergence term encourages approximate
posterior densities that place its mass on configurations of the latent
variables which are closest to the prior. Effectively, this regularizes the
complexity of latent space. Now, since both the prior
Recall that earlier, we defined the expected log likelihood term of the ELBO as
a Keras loss. We were able to do this since the log likelihood is a function of
the network’s final output (the predicted probabilities), so it maps nicely to a
Keras loss. Unfortunately, the same does not apply for the KL divergence term,
which is a function of the network’s intermediate layer outputs, the mean mu
and log variance log_var
We define an auxiliary custom Keras layer
which takes mu
and log_var
as input and simply returns them as output
without modification. We do however explicitly introduce the
side-effect of
calculating the KL divergence and adding it to a collection of losses, by
calling the method add_loss
class KLDivergenceLayer(Layer):
""" Identity transform layer that adds KL divergence
to the final model loss.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.is_placeholder = True
super(KLDivergenceLayer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def call(self, inputs):
mu, log_var = inputs
kl_batch = - .5 * K.sum(1 + log_var -
K.square(mu) -
K.exp(log_var), axis=-1)
self.add_loss(K.mean(kl_batch), inputs=inputs)
return inputs
Next we feed z_mu
and z_log_var
through this layer (this needs to take
place before feeding z_log_var
through the Lambda layer to recover z_sigma
z_mu, z_log_var = KLDivergenceLayer()([z_mu, z_log_var])
Now when the Keras model is finally compiled, the collection of losses will be
aggregated and added to the specified Keras loss function to form the loss we
ultimately minimize. If we specify the loss as the negative log-likelihood we
defined earlier (nll
), we recover the negative ELBO as the final loss we
minimize, as intended.
Side note: Alternative divergences
A key benefit of encapsulating the divergence in an auxiliary layer is that we
can easily implement and swap in other divergences, such as the
Side note: Implicit models and adversarial learning
Additionally, we could also extend the divergence layer to use an auxiliary
density ratio estimator function, instead of evaluating the KL divergence in
the analytical form above.
This relaxes the requirement on approximate posterior
Reparameterization using Merge Layers
To perform gradient-based optimization of ELBO with respect to model parameters
There exist a number of estimators based on different variance reduction
techniques. However, MC gradient estimates based on the reparameterization trick,
known as the reparameterization gradients, have be shown to have the lowest
variance among competing estimators for continuous latent variables5.
The reparameterization trick is a straightforward change of variables that
expresses the random variable
Note that
In other words, this simple reparameterization allows the gradient and the
expectation to commute, thereby allowing us to compute unbiased stochastic
estimates of the ELBO gradients by drawing noise samples
To recover the diagonal Gaussian approximation we specified earlier
where Add
and Multiply
eps = Input(shape=(latent_dim,))
z_eps = Multiply()([z_sigma, eps])
z = Add()([z_mu, z_eps])
Side note: Monte Carlo sample size
Note both the inputs for observed variables and noise (x
and eps
) need to be
specified explicitly as inputs to our final model.
Furthermore, the size of their first dimension (i.e. batch size) are required
to be the same.
This corresponds to using a exactly one Monte Carlo sample to approximate the
expected log likelihood, drawing a single sample
Now, since the noise input is drawn from the Normal distribution, we can save
from having to feed in values for this input from outside the computation graph
by binding a tensor to this Input layer. Specifically, we bind a tensor created
using K.random_normal
with the required shape,
eps = Input(tensor=K.random_normal(shape=(K.shape(x)[0], latent_dim)))
While eps
still needs to be explicitly specified as an input to compile the
model, values for this input will no longer be expected by methods such as
, predict
. Instead, samples from this distribution will be lazily
generated inside the computation graph when required. See my notes on
Keras Constant Input Layers with Fixed Source of Stochasticity for more
In the example implementation, all of this logic is encapsulated in a single
layer, which simultaneously draws samples from a hard-coded base
distribution and also performs the location-scale transformation.
In contrast, this approach achieves a good level of
loose coupling
and separation of concerns.
By decoupling the random noise vector from the layer’s internal logic and
explicitly making it a model input, we emphasize the fact that all sources of
stochasticity emanate from this input. It thereby becomes clear that a random
sample drawn from a particular approximating distribution is obtained by feeding
this source of stochasticity through a number of successive deterministic
Side notes: Gumbel-softmax trick for discrete latent variables
As an example, we could provide samples drawn from the Uniform distribution as noise input. By applying a number of deterministic transformations that constitute the Gumbel-softmax reparameterization trick 9, we are able to obtain samples from the Categorical distribution. This allows us to perform approximate inference on discrete latent variables, and can be implemented in this framework by adding a dozen or so lines of code!
Putting it all together
So far, we’ve dissected the variational autoencoder into modular components and discussed the role and implementation of each one at some length. Now let’s compose these components together end-to-end to form the final autoencoder architecture.
x = Input(shape=(original_dim,))
h = Dense(intermediate_dim, activation='relu')(x)
z_mu = Dense(latent_dim)(h)
z_log_var = Dense(latent_dim)(h)
z_mu, z_log_var = KLDivergenceLayer()([z_mu, z_log_var])
z_sigma = Lambda(lambda t: K.exp(.5*t))(z_log_var)
eps = Input(tensor=K.random_normal(shape=(K.shape(x)[0], latent_dim)))
z_eps = Multiply()([z_sigma, eps])
z = Add()([z_mu, z_eps])
decoder = Sequential([
Dense(intermediate_dim, input_dim=latent_dim, activation='relu'),
Dense(original_dim, activation='sigmoid')
x_pred = decoder(z)
It’s surprisingly concise, taking up around 20 lines of code. The diagram of the full model architecture is visualized below.
Finally, we specify and compile the model, using the negative log likelihood
defined earlier as the loss.
vae = Model(inputs=[x, eps], outputs=x_pred)
vae.compile(optimizer='rmsprop', loss=nll)
Model fitting
Dataset: MNIST digits
(x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data()
x_train = x_train.reshape(-1, original_dim) / 255.
x_test = x_test.reshape(-1, original_dim) / 255.
validation_data=(x_test, x_test))
Loss (NELBO) convergence
Model evaluation
encoder = Model(x, z_mu)
# display a 2D plot of the digit classes in the latent space
z_test = encoder.predict(x_test, batch_size=batch_size)
plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
plt.scatter(z_test[:, 0], z_test[:, 1], c=y_test,
alpha=.4, s=3**2, cmap='viridis')

# display a 2D manifold of the digits
n = 15 # figure with 15x15 digits
digit_size = 28
# linearly spaced coordinates on the unit square were transformed
# through the inverse CDF (ppf) of the Gaussian to produce values
# of the latent variables z, since the prior of the latent space
# is Gaussian
z1 = norm.ppf(np.linspace(0.01, 0.99, n))
z2 = norm.ppf(np.linspace(0.01, 0.99, n))
z_grid = np.dstack(np.meshgrid(z1, z2))
x_pred_grid = decoder.predict(z_grid.reshape(n*n, latent_dim)) \
.reshape(n, n, digit_size, digit_size)
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
plt.imshow(np.block(list(map(list, x_pred_grid))), cmap='gray')

In this post, we covered the basics of amortized variational inference, looking at variational autoencoders as a specific example. In particular, we
- Implemented the decoder and encoder using the Sequential and functional Model API respectively.
- Augmented the final loss with the KL divergence term by writing an auxiliary custom layer.
- Worked with the log variance for numerical stability, and used a Lambda layer to transform it to the standard deviation when necessary.
- Explicitly made the noise an Input layer, and implemented the reparameterization trick using Merge layers.
- Fixed the noise input to a stochastic tensor, so random samples are generated within the computation graph.
What’s next
Next, we will extend the divergence layer to use an auxiliary density ratio
estimator function, instead of evaluating the KL divergence in the analytical
form above.
This relaxes the requirement on approximate posterior
Cite as:
title = "{A} {T}utorial on {V}ariational {A}utoencoders with a {C}oncise {K}eras {I}mplementation",
author = "Tiao, Louis C",
journal = "tiao.io",
year = "2017",
url = "https://tiao.io/post/tutorial-on-variational-autoencoders-with-a-concise-keras-implementation/"
To receive updates on more posts like this, follow me on Twitter and GitHub!
Links & Resources
Below, you can find:
- The accompanying Jupyter Notebook used to generate the diagrams and plots in this post.
- The above snippets combined in a single executable Python file:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import norm
from keras import backend as K
from keras.layers import Input, Dense, Lambda, Layer, Add, Multiply
from keras.models import Model, Sequential
from keras.datasets import mnist
original_dim = 784
intermediate_dim = 256
latent_dim = 2
batch_size = 100
epochs = 50
epsilon_std = 1.0
def nll(y_true, y_pred):
""" Negative log likelihood (Bernoulli). """
# keras.losses.binary_crossentropy gives the mean
# over the last axis. we require the sum
return K.sum(K.binary_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred), axis=-1)
class KLDivergenceLayer(Layer):
""" Identity transform layer that adds KL divergence
to the final model loss.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.is_placeholder = True
super(KLDivergenceLayer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def call(self, inputs):
mu, log_var = inputs
kl_batch = - .5 * K.sum(1 + log_var -
K.square(mu) -
K.exp(log_var), axis=-1)
self.add_loss(K.mean(kl_batch), inputs=inputs)
return inputs
decoder = Sequential([
Dense(intermediate_dim, input_dim=latent_dim, activation='relu'),
Dense(original_dim, activation='sigmoid')
x = Input(shape=(original_dim,))
h = Dense(intermediate_dim, activation='relu')(x)
z_mu = Dense(latent_dim)(h)
z_log_var = Dense(latent_dim)(h)
z_mu, z_log_var = KLDivergenceLayer()([z_mu, z_log_var])
z_sigma = Lambda(lambda t: K.exp(.5*t))(z_log_var)
eps = Input(tensor=K.random_normal(stddev=epsilon_std,
shape=(K.shape(x)[0], latent_dim)))
z_eps = Multiply()([z_sigma, eps])
z = Add()([z_mu, z_eps])
x_pred = decoder(z)
vae = Model(inputs=[x, eps], outputs=x_pred)
vae.compile(optimizer='rmsprop', loss=nll)
# train the VAE on MNIST digits
(x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data()
x_train = x_train.reshape(-1, original_dim) / 255.
x_test = x_test.reshape(-1, original_dim) / 255.
validation_data=(x_test, x_test))
encoder = Model(x, z_mu)
# display a 2D plot of the digit classes in the latent space
z_test = encoder.predict(x_test, batch_size=batch_size)
plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
plt.scatter(z_test[:, 0], z_test[:, 1], c=y_test,
alpha=.4, s=3**2, cmap='viridis')
# display a 2D manifold of the digits
n = 15 # figure with 15x15 digits
digit_size = 28
# linearly spaced coordinates on the unit square were transformed
# through the inverse CDF (ppf) of the Gaussian to produce values
# of the latent variables z, since the prior of the latent space
# is Gaussian
u_grid = np.dstack(np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0.05, 0.95, n),
np.linspace(0.05, 0.95, n)))
z_grid = norm.ppf(u_grid)
x_decoded = decoder.predict(z_grid.reshape(n*n, 2))
x_decoded = x_decoded.reshape(n, n, digit_size, digit_size)
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
plt.imshow(np.block(list(map(list, x_decoded))), cmap='gray')
D. P. Kingma and M. Welling, “Auto-Encoding Variational Bayes,” in Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2014. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎
Section “Recognition models and amortised inference” in Shakir’s blog post ↩︎
Dayan, P., Hinton, G. E., Neal, R. M., & Zemel, R. S. (1995). The Helmholtz machine. Neural Computation, 7(5), 889–904. http://doi.org/10.1162/neco.1995.7.5.889 ↩︎ ↩︎
Rezende, D. J., Mohamed, S., & Wierstra, D. (2014). “Stochastic backpropagation and approximate inference in deep generative models,” in Proceedings of The 31st International Conference on Machine Learning, 2014, (Vol. 32, pp. 1278–1286). Bejing, China: PMLR. http://doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/201527329 ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎
For a complete treatment of variational autoencoders, and variational inference in general, I highly recommend:
- Jaan Altosaar’s blog post, What is a variational autoencoder?
- Diederik P. Kingma’s PhD Thesis, Variational Inference and Deep Learning: A New Synthesis.
D. Rezende and S. Mohamed, “Variational Inference with Normalizing Flows,” in Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Machine Learning, 2015, vol. 37, pp. 1530–1538. ↩︎
Y. Burda, R. Grosse, and R. Salakhutdinov, “Importance Weighted Autoencoders,” in Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2015. ↩︎ ↩︎
E. Jang, S. Gu, and B. Poole, “Categorical Reparameterization with Gumbel-Softmax,” Nov. 2016. in Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2017. ↩︎ ↩︎
L. Mescheder, S. Nowozin, and A. Geiger, “Adversarial Variational Bayes: Unifying Variational Autoencoders and Generative Adversarial Networks,” in Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Machine Learning, 2017, vol. 70, pp. 2391–2400. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎
D. Tran, R. Ranganath, and D. Blei, “Hierarchical Implicit Models and Likelihood-Free Variational Inference,” in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 30, 2017. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎
To support sample weighting (fined-tuning how much each data-point contributes to the loss), Keras losses are expected returns a scalar for each data-point in the batch. In contrast, losses appended with the
method don’t support this, and are expected to be a single scalar. Hence, we calculate the KL divergence for all data-points in the batch and take the mean before passing it toadd_loss
. ↩︎Y. Li and R. E. Turner, “Rényi Divergence Variational Inference,” in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 29, 2016. ↩︎
A. B. Dieng, D. Tran, R. Ranganath, J. Paisley, and D. Blei, “Variational Inference via chi Upper Bound Minimization,” in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 30, 2017. ↩︎