Exploring the Binance API in Python - Part II: Recent and Historical Trades

Draft – work in progress.
Table of Contents

Latest Price

Get the price at which the latest trade was executed:

r = s.get("https://api.binance.com/api/v3/ticker/price", params=dict(symbol="ETHAUD"))

The content of r.json():

  "price": "3032.17000000",
  "symbol": "ETHAUD"

Average Price

Get the average price of trades in the last 5 minutes:

r = s.get("https://api.binance.com/api/v3/avgPrice", params=dict(symbol="ETHAUD"))

The content of r.json():

  "mins": 5,
  "price": "3038.63364133"

Recent Trades

Get details of the most recent trades.

r = s.get("https://api.binance.com/api/v3/trades",
          params=dict(symbol="ETHAUD", limit=500))
block = r.json()

This returns a list of dictionaries that contain details of the trade.

    "id": 909049,
    "isBestMatch": true,
    "isBuyerMaker": false,
    "price": "3041.05000000",
    "qty": "0.68053000",
    "quoteQty": "2069.52575650",
    "time": 1619205370059
    "id": 909050,
    "isBestMatch": true,
    "isBuyerMaker": true,
    "price": "3034.11000000",
    "qty": "0.67985000",
    "quoteQty": "2062.73968350",
    "time": 1619205476103
>>> data = create_trades_frame(block)


def create_trades_frame(trades):

    frame = pd.DataFrame(trades) \
        .assign(time=lambda trade: pd.to_datetime(trade.time, unit="ms"),
                price=lambda trade: pd.to_numeric(trade.price),
                qty=lambda trade: pd.to_numeric(trade.qty),
                quoteQty=lambda trade: pd.to_numeric(trade.quoteQty))
    return frame
2021-04-23 17:39:09.8120009085512970.991.735415155.89FalseTrue
2021-04-23 17:39:13.8540009085522967.271.366684055.31FalseTrue
2021-04-23 17:39:15.0590009085532966.340.0094127.9133TrueTrue
2021-04-23 17:39:16.9480009085542965.440.339981008.19FalseTrue
2021-04-23 17:39:16.9490009085552965.440.909892698.22FalseTrue

Scatter plot

sns.scatterplot(x="time", y="price", marker="+", data=data)
Scatter plot (price vs. time) for the most recent 500 trades
Scatter plot (price vs. time) for the most recent 500 trades

Historical Trades

num_blocks = 100
limit = 500

blocks = []
for i in range(num_blocks):
    from_id = block[0]["id"] - limit  # get first trade of previous block
    r = s.get("https://api.binance.com/api/v3/historicalTrades",
              params=dict(symbol="ETHAUD", limit=limit, fromId=from_id))
    block = r.json()

Let us chain together these blocks of trades. In other words, we wish to convert this list of blocks, where each block contains a list of trades, into a single “flat” list of trades.

>>> data = create_trades_frame(chain(*blocks))

where we import the chain function from itertools:

from itertools import chain

Scatter plot

sns.scatterplot(x="time", y="price", marker="x", s=0.5, alpha=0.2, data=data)
Scatter plot (price vs. time) for the most recent 100 x 500 = 50,000 trades
Scatter plot (price vs. time) for the most recent 100 x 500 = 50,000 trades

Open-High-Low-Close (OHLC) Data

data_ohlc = data.set_index("time").price.resample("30T").ohlc()
2021-04-21 22:30:003079.113085.9530553074.12
2021-04-21 23:00:003071.993089.713039.443049.73
2021-04-21 23:30:003052.513096.033052.513065.93
2021-04-22 00:00:003066.543084.583012.323080.94
2021-04-22 00:30:003084.043133.273064.273132.16

Candlestick chart

mpf.plot(data_ohlc, type="candle", style="binance")
Candlestick chart for the most recent 100 x 500 = 50,000 trades
Candlestick chart for the most recent 100 x 500 = 50,000 trades

Volume Data

series_volume = data.set_index("time").quoteQty.resample("30T").sum()

Concatentate this together with the OHLC DataFrame:

frame = data_ohlc.assign(volume=series_volume)
2021-04-21 22:30:003079.113085.9530553074.12643973
2021-04-21 23:00:003071.993089.713039.443049.73848766
2021-04-21 23:30:003052.513096.033052.513065.93363078
2021-04-22 00:00:003066.543084.583012.323080.941.18854e+06
2021-04-22 00:30:003084.043133.273064.273132.16901508

Candlestick chart with volume

fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, gridspec_kw=dict(height_ratios=[3, 1]))

mpf.plot(frame, type="candle", style="binance", volume=ax2, ax=ax1)

Candlestick and Volume chart for the most recent 100 x 500 = 50,000 trades
Candlestick and Volume chart for the most recent 100 x 500 = 50,000 trades


We can also obtain summarize the data into a format suitable candlestick chart at server-side by directly calling the following endpoint:

r = s.get("https://api.binance.com/api/v3/klines",
          params=dict(symbol="ETHAUD", interval="4h"))

frame = pd.DataFrame(data=r.json(),
                              "ignore"], dtype="float64") \
          .assign(open_time=lambda interval: pd.to_datetime(interval.open_time, unit="ms"),
                  close_time=lambda interval: pd.to_datetime(interval.close_time, unit="ms")) \
Candlestick and Volume chart
Candlestick and Volume chart

If you don’t require fine-grained data on every single trade, then this might be more appropriate.

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I - Import statements

import requests

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mplfinance as mpf
import seaborn as sns
Louis Tiao
Louis Tiao
Research Scientist

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